2008년 2월 현재 x86, debian lenny(testing), xfce4, xdesktop, thunar, keytouch, mousepad, opera, flock, iceweacel, icedove, xfce4-terminal, rhythmbox, amule, azureus, gimp, knateon, virtualbox, lastfm ... 사용중. intel P4 2.26, abit soket478 bd7, ram 512mb, hd seagate 80gb(windows), maxtor 120gb(linux), geforce4 fx5200, sound blaster audigy, LG L1919S LCD monitor, i-rocks KR-6120 usb keyboard, Logitech optical mouse usb m-uag96b


My first posting

This posting is a test.
This blog will be posted @Ubuntu.
When I use MS-Windows, I post @ http://howru.egloos.com.

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익명 :

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!